Tuesday, April 28, 2009

From Dust to Dust

A look into the Orion Nebula reveals the beginning of new stars and planets. Stars have life cycles; they are born, develope through different phases, and eventually die. Earth's sun was born about 4.6 billion years ago and will remain much as it is for another 5 billion years. How these massive bodies come to be, is feat that astonishes astronomers all over the world. What begins as a cloud of dust, through gravity and pressure, transforms into heavenly bodies circling their motherly star. The process--as shown on the video--that changes dust and gas into solar systems is believed to be the exact process that formed the solar system in which humanity thrives. Once stars become 5 times or more massive than earth's Sun, reaching the red giant phase, their core temperature increases as carbon atoms are formed from the fusion of helium atoms. As the cosmic process continues, the star begins growing, and consumes its adjacent planets and stars. The star continues eating until it begins secreting gases and dust, feeding the next generation of heavenly bodies.

source: nasa http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/hd/index.html


  1. 3d bioprinting = Immortality = go to stars

  2. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Sun-Deneb: 1000g)... Earth...the 2 ships that will go formation flying for mutual assisting if there are problems...indestructible structures made of Hexapentas material, awaiting in airport the arrival of passengers... Day 1: zero-speed... THE SHIPS TAKEOFF... navigation computer places on screen the spacecraft in the center of sphere...spherical\tridimensional\spatial Heading: Deneb... Antimatter rocket engines...ON... Here we go...goooooo!...1g...10g...100g...constant acceleration cruise: 1000g (9.8 kms/sec²)... Inside the living areas (the same as going submerged in water: constant acceleration downwards...less...constant thrust, constant acceleration, from water upwards)...the gravitational transformers, perfectly synchronized with the acceleration, running: 1000g constant acceleration toward the floor (motors)...less...999g constant acceleration toward the ceiling (gravitational transformers) = 1g constant acceleration toward the floor... 8.5 hours: light-speed = 1c...the fusion reactor as an artificial sun illuminating the immense Vital Support Gardens to lowering, from their comfortable apartments, cheerful passage to the pool...the electromagnetic shield anti-radiation...antigravity fields generator run forward, working: light objects away from the path of the ship...and trajectory ship away from the heavy objects...superluminal-speed > 1c... 42.5 hours: reaches hyperluminal-speed = 5c... Day 508: Half Journey...1000 light years...high hyperluminal speed = 1435.39c... OFF engines...a few minutes of weightlessness during maneuver...the ship rotates 180ยบ around its axis...motors ON again and... STARTS TO BRAKE... Day 1017 (2.79 years): End Path party...2000 light years...zero-speed... The forever young passage of the 1st Immortal Generation (3D Bioprinting...Telomerase...modified Biological Timers...) disembarks at dstination: an extra-stellar planet which came erran to orbit of Deneb giant.
